Yesterday was Thursday 19 February. A relatively unremarkable day - except for me.
In the early part of the New Year, when all the newspapers were full of stuff about New Year's resolutions, we came across an item in The Sunday Times in which the author described how he and his wife, following the birth of their baby had - for entirely understandable reasons - fallen out of the habit of sex. To counter this they had resolved, the previous year, to have sex every day for a year. This was a remarkably touch challenge actually and the author detailed their battle which (he claims at least) they won.
We face similar everyday challenges; children, busy lives, both working etc. and it's probably fair to say that we don't make as much time for sex as we should.
Last night, Thursday 19 February, out of the blue, my wife announced that we do a similar thing - with a twist as befits a FLR couple. We are going to attempt to have sex every day for a month. Naturally, in our case, I don't get to cum until the last day...
She had a lovely orgasm last night. One down...
Wish me luck!
Fiction with NEW ChatGPT-4.5 (FF/M)
The new model from OpenAI was just released, called 4.5, and it’s very
good, and quite naughty as well, I’m pleased to say, though it stops short
of actu...
1 day ago
I'd really love to hear how things have been going.
Well I'm sorry to disappoint you Little Shaun, but I'm afraid that less than a week into the challenge we got hit by a series problems; illness (minor), stressful problems with work, and children...
So we gave up. But fear not, we intend to try again, but this time we will plan out the timing and look for a period where we are as likely as possible to avoid those sort of problems. I'll let you know....
Hello everyone , I'm working with the goddess dawn to invite you for helping us to achieve the matriarchy for the benefits of the world . Firstly, we need you to join this group at FB :
And join this great website too please:
This last one too ,,
We want the migration of men so you can live with us in places we will have soon . We want everyone to survive. There is a farm and a dungeon in California if you are interested .
Contact us;
516-847-2209 Text 631-894-4414.
Goddess dawn E-mail:
Hey everyone
Our goddess said the following :
The sex games - it is what they "think" they want. I monitor world stats. They need to experience the bad, the beatings, the traps, the hatred, the torture and the magnitude of literal torture WOMEN have lived for how long now? It may be that it is the only way men will come to realize whooops that was a wrong turn...and some never get out. Others will watch, until they are convinced they should jump into the dark tank of uncertainty...and then come to realize, shit I should've ran...but meanwhile the "alleged" submissive men are seeking out the dominating dungeons of the world because it is the largest of fetish-ism-sex-sector, but it is leaving them the emptiest. More fakes than anything and that is not an opinion either. I go by math and I wish my stats were more positive. I don't want men wiped out like this, through traps, games, pure hatred, and sexual lures to nothingness. It was a set up from the start and the men need to learn to: DIFFERENTIATE between what is real and what is not. If it leaves you with nothing, and completes, or accomplishes no result then it was nothing to start with. Math. Is there anyone who sees the math
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