However, the term "supremacy" has some unpleasant connotations in some people's minds, conjuring up images of lynchings by white supremacists and genocide by Hitler and countless other dictators. Although I don't think that this should devalue what is in my opinion an accurate description of my belief - Female Supremacy - I recognise that some people are uncomfortable with the term.
So what else could I call myself? Well I quite like the term "Matriarchy". We have, after all, liven for many decades in a patriarchal society so the term Matriarchal Society is easily understood by all and is far less threatening. What does that make me? As someone who seeks to promote a Matriarchal Society am I a Matriarchalist? or a Matriarchist? Technically the noun is "Matriarch" but I cannot really describe myself as a Matriarch!
Am I a Feminist? Well that term may well be technically accurate, but even the term Radical Feminist is usually used to describe one who seeks to bring women towards equality with men (but perhaps by the use of radical means), not superiority over them.
The best term for me - grammatically at least - is Gynarchy. The term is defined as "government or rule by Women" and I can describe myself as a Gynarchist. There are many other useful derivatives of the word - Gynocracy, Gynocentric and Gynarchic which all accurately describe my ideal world or my place in it. The problem with this term is that there is a part of the Gynarchist movement that espouses the view that all men should be castrated and feminised in order to serve their Female superiors. This is not a view I agree with (and not just because I want to hold on to my balls!) because I believe that we should rejoice in the differences between men and Women, accepting the fact that Women are the superior of the two and that we can use our masculine characteristics in the service of our superiors - not try to pretend that we are Women. But that's just my view.
If we can just agree to stick to the dictionary definition of Gynarchy then I am proud to call myself a Gynarchist!
Please let me know how Y/you think of Y/yourselves...
I think of myself as an egalitarianist (I like long words, so I prefer "egalitarianist" to "egalitarian").
Very nice analysis of these concepts. i think of myself as a Female Supremacist also in that i believe that males such as myself are happiest and most fulfilled by giving our best effort to support and encourage Women to achieve their full potential. i have no issue with taking the secondary role.
A little slow on the blog updates here aren't we? :)
youre a stupid lesbian not an superior female. im preety sue that you have a dick and have nothing to do with real woman.
I always like to think of myself ( a male) as a "Feminist". It seems adequate for the purpose and I believe is more comfortable for women in a public setting.
I found this blog whilst trying to find the meaning of "sub male." Many points here are in stark opposition to discoveries made in the fields of anthropology. We ought to give credence to epistemological and moral realism (i.e. Natural Law) in order to correct fallacies espoused by well-meaning but poorly informed thinkers. Anyone finding the content of this blog distasteful but not certain add to why is encouraged to read a little work called "Love and Responsibility." Also, not to belittle your points, but "liven" is not a word in the context above.
I agree 100% Great post!
Hello everyone , I'm working with the goddess dawn to invite you for helping us to achieve the matriarchy for the benefits of the world . Firstly, we need you to join this group at FB : https://www.facebook.com/groups/DonatetoWomen/
And join this great website too please: http://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FMotherGoddessEarth.com%2F&h=mAQEnypUt&s=1
This last one too ,, http://lm.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2FFemaleLed.org%2F&h=AAQHlRZSr&s=1
We want the migration of men so you can live with us in places we will have soon . We want everyone to survive. There is a farm and a dungeon in California if you are interested .
Contact us;
516-847-2209 Text 631-894-4414.
Hello everyone.
Our Goddess Dawn says that :
The sex games - it is what they "think" they want. I monitor world stats. They need to experience the bad, the beatings, the traps, the hatred, the torture and the magnitude of literal torture WOMEN have lived for how long now? It may be that it is the only way men will come to realize whooops that was a wrong turn...and some never get out. Others will watch, until they are convinced they should jump into the dark tank of uncertainty...and then come to realize, shit I should've ran...but meanwhile the "alleged" submissive men are seeking out the dominating dungeons of the world because it is the largest of fetish-ism-sex-sector, but it is leaving them the emptiest. More fakes than anything and that is not an opinion either. I go by math and I wish my stats were more positive. I don't want men wiped out like this, through traps, games, pure hatred, and sexual lures to nothingness. It was a set up from the start and the men need to learn to: DIFFERENTIATE between what is real and what is not. If it leaves you with nothing, and completes, or accomplishes no result then it was nothing to start with. Math. Is there anyone who sees the math ?
I feel so much like a girl inside my body and I dress like a slut so I can be a good whore and be pimped out for sex.I need a mistress to turn me out,where are you superior Mistress.
I feel so much like a girl inside my body and I dress like a slut so I can be a good whore and be pimped out for sex.I need a mistress to turn me out,where are you superior Mistress.
Well, I've tried to imagine a gynarchist future for the UK in my New Order stories. Folk that are interested in this blog might well enjoy them....https://freddiestales19.wordpress.com/female-dom-stories/new-order-stories/
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